Hi everyone,
sincerely apologize for neglecting this site for so many years. I know
this may have disappointed some of you who have been kind and
supportive, and I'm truly sorry for any inconvenience this caused.
past few years have been extremely challenging. The COVID-19 pandemic
drastically changed my lifestyle, forcing me to focus all my energy on
making ends meet just to survive. As a result, I had to put aside
several of my websites, including this one, for much longer than I ever
My old computer, which I used for
creating and maintaining my website, became frustratingly slow and
outdated. It would take several minutes just to boot up, and I couldn't
afford to replace it. However, I finally managed to save enough money
to build my own custom computer, carefully selecting each component
myself. This is the machine I'm using now.
happy to say I'm back on my feet and have been creating artwork since
last year. This is new and exciting for me - one of my ultimate dreams
has finally come true. I used to tell people, "I'm an artist, but I
have nothing to show you." Now, I actually have work to share!
plan to update this website soon. Even though my financial situation
remains uncertain, I'm committed to continuing my artistic journey
until the end. Thank you to everyone who visited this site in the past.
I pray for strength to keep pursuing my passion. God bless you all.
Best regards,
Tom, Artist